Amazon Affiliate

Sunday 1 October 2017

Add SSH key to multiple bitbucket account.

First, make sure you have a default account setup through a tutorial like this one on bitbucket.

For the second account:
  • Create a new ssh key using the below command :
  • ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/<second_account_name>
  • Copy the second account public key and then add that key to the bitbucket account. To open the second account public key use the below command :
  • cat ~/.ssh/
  • Now create a new config file under .ssh folder :
  • nano ~/.ssh/config  
  • Add the following to your ~/.ssh/config file. The first sets the default key for The second sets your second key to an alias bitbucket-second-account for :
  • Host
      IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    Host bitbucket-second-account
      PreferredAuthentications publickey
      IdentityFile ~/.ssh/second_account_name
  • You can now clone projects with your default account the same way as you was doing before :
  • git clone
  • To clone a project with the second identity, replace with the Host that you specified in the ~/.ssh/config file :
  • git clone git@bitbucket-second-account:bitbucket-username/project.git
  • Now it's done but by any chance if you are getting any error like this :
  • Agent admitted failure to sign using the key
  • Just use the below command to fix the above problem :
  • ssh-add ~/.ssh/second_account_name